Friday, December 6, 2019


Be sure the executable program as We did this to operate a standard LCD display on the 's bus. He has a nice zipfile set up for downloading that includes his whole toolkit. ASM extension, and requests a list file with a symbol cross-reference table. The problem turned out to be with my power supply. By allowing the flexibility of selecting delimiters, you can easily make strings which have slashes and tick marks in them. as11.exe

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Pins 5, 6, and 20 on the RS connector should be tied together. Bring your dream as11.ex life. Seattle Robotics Society http: Both forms are equally valid, and both forms are implemented internally thee same way. This group includes an extraordinary pool talent, expertise, and experience. S19which can be downloaded to your board using MicroLoad. Tom says just power down the board, disconnect the programming cable, install a jumper across the "Transmit" and "Receive" pins of the programming connector, and turn on the power.

Labels defined in this manner are treated by the as11 assembler as if they had been defined within your source file and assigned a value of 1. This way you can program the chip in Single Bootstrap Mode, and hand it off to a user, that uses it in Single chip, without worrying.

Microprocessor Applications: Software and Documentation

You will need to decompress the ZIP file into a temporary folder on the desktop. You can use this feature to selectively assemble blocks of source code based on arguments you specify in the commandline, without first having to edit the source code before each assembly. Aw11.exe new Command Prompt shortcut will appear. Again the SRS mail list provided access to helpful answers to my questions.

The as11 assembler

If there were errors, you should check your source file for typos or syntax errors. There is a difference in the way the chip operates and uses memory, but I don't think it effects us enough to not use the Single Bootstrap Mode.


There is a good AS11 Primer in Tom's kit. One can subscribe to the SRS mail list by accessing the "Contact Us" link on its homepage and following the instructions.

The ifeq command as11.exs for the user to conditionally compile different sections of assembly language based on whether or not a label is equal to a value. Thus, you really need to use both modes. In retrospect it probably would have been simpler to add the single latch chip the circuit would have required.

His experience teaching 68HC11 programming has exposed him to the wide variety of questions people encounter when first introduced to this chip.

The expertise of many people here locally and far away is available simply by asking your questions. Double- click on the Command Prompt shortcut in your as11code folder.

After bringing my PC, cable, and BB to a meeting, the general conclusion was that either my PC had a com port problem or my interface cable did.


The robot lived in storage until last summer when I pulled it out of my parent's basement, completely dismantled it, and started over using salvaged bits and pieces.

I found it helpful to create a batch file that invokes the assembler, adds the. Some prefer the one over the other, however switching back and forth will probably prove frustrating, especially for a newcomer so I chose AS So Motorola built in a hack to their downloader in "special bootstrap mode" Single Bootstrap Mode. I downloaded the free software tools from Motorola's website and assembled the kit. The best advice I gleaned from this exercise is to have someone else check your wiring.

The binary data is stored in the s-record format, which is contained in the. The syntax of the include statement is shown below Operand specifies number of bytes to allocate and fill with zero. Anyway, the software was now working so I tried actually downloading to the BB. In particular, it allows you if you so desire to switch between using the external bus and not using the external bus.

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